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Curated Wisdom

Here is a detailed analysis of UI designer salaries.

For a solid remote company culture, start with strong values and vision and the rest will follow.

An inside look at why people may be thinking of quitting your company.

If you want to understand why so many startups become infected with unhealthy work habits, or outright workaholism, a good place to start your examination is in the attitudes of their venture capital investors.

Working only 40 hours a week has been something I take a lot of pride in at Wildbit. I want to make sure our team has plenty of time to do the stuff they love outside of work.  Unfortunately, a lot of companies have built environments where it’s expected, or at least the workload encourages, working much longer days. 

Hi, I’m Andrew. I’m a digital entrepreneur. Now, I’m a writer. I’m writing this article the exact same way I wrote a book. I’m going to tell you how I did what seemed impossible to do just a few…

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