Hiring Startups
The best content we're reading about hiring for startups and a discount on job postings just for you :)
Avoid people whose skills complement yours! Consider the “cell division” approach instead. It’s hard to assess a skill you’ve never practiced (it’s like getting a specialist doctor, you pretty much have no choice but to trust the referrals of others).

Hiring is not a consequence of success. Revenue and customers are. Hiring is a consequence of our failure to create enough leverage to grow on our own.
You have to be as data-driven about your hiring as you are about your product. Do you take candidate close rates as seriously as your daily active user figures? Can your hiring managers not just tell you that hiring is going well, but use numbers to tell you why?
A step by step breakdown of Noah Kagan’s hiring process with a real life case study. “To avoid making a failed hire, the first step in my hiring process is to write down a list of tasks I need the new hire to do.”
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